Krishika Kreation


Rachna Sharma

Rachna Sharma

Founder & Designer
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Hello everyone, I am Rachna Sharma, a fashion designer. I have 15 years experience, specializing in production latest design, female garment construction and trend analysis. Also, I have worked with a bunch of the most creative and driven companies as a fashion designer and manager.

For me, fashion is not something that is bound to dresses only. Fashion is everywhere, in our daily workaday life, in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, go and come with new generations. Designing is like making a story. You need to create the perfect first intro then continue on and tell an interesting story. Also be different, be unique, be extraordinary, add a little bit of yourself to everything. It is not about being ‘perfect’ after all, it is about being yourself and I can help you do that. Because I am presenting unique & charismatic designs, which are maintaining a classic but edgy aesthetic with the structure of a traditional wear line and creating an interesting narrative, with a touch of female wear.
My aim is to provide all women luxury arouses emotion and empowers imagination. Designer clothes which are easy to wear and give the wearer a sense of freedom and comfort with no restrictions. As we all know, a woman’s wardrobe will never be complete until she has stylish and affordable pretty dresses, so many more new designs are under readiness.
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